Stale Bread Lunch

Literate and nerdy. By Michael James Boyle.

Hello, World

Mar 14, 2014 ∞

I’ve been working on this website for quite a while on and off. It’s somewhat nervous-making to push the button and set the server to allow traffic in. At some point, though, you’ve just got to do it. So here we are. Cheers!

Why did I make this website? I cover most of it in my Welcome Letter, but the short answer is that I’ve come to the point where I feel I need one. Something I’ve discovered about myself over the last few years is that whatever else I’m doing, I have a fundamental need to make things. And at a certain point when you make things, you have to share them. It’s a part of the process. You don’t have to get famous or share them widely, but having an audience is a part of what it means to be art or media or whatever you want to term the things people make. In this day and age there’s no need to ask permission. The internet is the place we can all go to put things out there big or small.

You’ll notice I already have a few of those things here. The common way of launching a blog is to start with a “hello, world” post (I suppose that’s what this is. Hello!) and move on from there. But the design I had in mind for this site doesn’t work very well with fewer than about four each articles and breadcrumbs. And example content sure beats lorem ipsum any day. So even though this is the hello, world post for this blog, you’ll find a few posts that go back before it. They’re scattered back through time as thoughts struck me, and there’s certainly something odd about publishing blog posts reacting to events long gone, but there they are.

I’m not sure what this space will become over time, but I’m glad now to have a space. Hello, world.